Senin, 25 Desember 2017

Purification and Characterization of SiO2 Based Quartz Sand from "Pasir Putih" Village, South Pamona District

Hasil penelitian fundamental yang telah dipublikasikan dalam Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education, Science, and Technology (ICEST 2017)

Darmawati Darwis,  Syamsu, Indah Ukhtiani, Novrita Metungku, Iqbal, Sandra Kasim, Rani Khaerani, Elisa Sesa

The objective of this study is to measure the purification and characterization of the quality of quartz sand from Pasir Putih village, South Pamona district. The purification was done to increase the pureness of the silica by soaking the sample with HCl 2M then was titrated using aqueous to reach the pH of 7 (neutral). The sample was characterized using the XRF and XRD. Moreover, the element content of SiO2 (Silica) after the purification based on the results of the analysis was 99,88%. Therefore, the element can be used as the raw material for solar cell. Matching the result of the XRD analysis with the software Search Match shows that the purification of the sample SiO2 contains the crystal trigonal system (Hexagonal axes) with the orientation field.
Keywords : silica, quartz, purification

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